
Perspective News

Cabinet in Coalition government: Modi, NDA and beyond. (Photo: India NE)

Cabinet in Coalition government: Modi, NDA and beyond

Jul 24, 2024

The resurgence of alliance politics and coalition government at the centre after a decade brings back memories and experiences of the executive's everyday life from the past. The first question that arises is whether the NDA alliance will encounter the same messy politics that the UPA government experienced between 2009 and 2014.

The Opposition should rather be understood as a ‘process’ comprising ideology, leadership, governance, representation, parties and policy alternatives. (Photo: India NE)

An idea of the robust opposition: Pitfalls and expectations

Jun 24, 2024

The first session of the newly elected 18th parliament on June 24 will see a revamped opposition and treasury benches with a true NDA coalition led by BJP and increased opposition MPs from Congress, SP, TMC, and DMK.