The grandeur of The Sonnet Hotel Kolkata played host to the prestigious Miss Universe West Bengal 2024 pageant, organized by Sikkim's Positude under the banners of Glamanand and Miss Universe India. The event saw 40 contestants compete for the coveted title, with Sushmita Roy emerging as the winner.
The judging panel was an illustrious mix of industry experts and influencers. Amjad Khan, Director of Operations and Marketing at Miss Universe India, Asmita Chakraborty, Miss Tourism India 2023 and Anisha Chettri, Managing Director of Positude were among the distinguished judges. They were joined by Majid Khan, State Director for West Bengal and Creative Head at Positude and Ronak Letha, a renowned entrepreneur.
The event, celebrated for its high standards and glamor highlighted the exceptional talent and poise of the participants. Sushmita Roy, a Kolkata native, captured the title with her charisma and confidence marking a significant achievement in her career.
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