Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang on October 19 launched a scathing attack on the opposition leader, Pawan Chamling, accusing him of alleged corruption and misappropriation of funds during his tenure. Speaking at an event held at Chintan Bhawan, the Chief Minister specifically pointed to a viral video on social media, claiming that Pawan Chamling had distributed only Rs 5 lakh to earthquake victims in 2011, despite his recent call for Rs 50 lakh to be provided to flash flood victims.
CM Tamang did not mince words as he asserted, "The video is clear evidence that Pawan Chamling distributed only Rs 5 lakh during the 2011 earthquake. The remaining Rs 45 lakh vanished into his own pocket." He continued, "Now he's advocating for Rs 50 lakh to be given to flash flood victims, but we must be cautious about where these funds end up."
This accusation was part of a broader narrative presented by Chief Minister Tamang, who also accused the previous Chamling-led government of rampant misuse and corruption in constructing dams. He alleged that the previous government favored a particular firm and compromised on the quality of the dams. This lax construction quality, he claimed, resulted in the recent flash floods in Chungthang washing away the substandard dams with devastating consequences.
During the ecent , the Chief Minister distributed cheques and financial aid to underprivileged students and beneficiaries under various government schemes, including CMDG, CMRF, and CMMAS (Vatsalya Yojana). Stating his government's commitment to helping the poor, CM Tamang said, "In 24 elections, we are confident that we will form the government. We have worked tirelessly to assist the underprivileged and will continue to do so, earning the trust and support of the poor."
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