Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang has emerged as the most popular Chief Minister in his home state, according to the latest Mood of the Nation survey conducted by India Today. The survey, carried out by CVoter, reveals a significant boost in CM Tamang's approval ratings, with 55.7% of respondents in Sikkim expressing satisfaction with his performance as of August 2024. This marks a notable increase from 26% in February 2024 and 32.5% in August 2023.
In a broader context, CM Tamang has also achieved a remarkable all-India ranking. Among 30 incumbent Chief Ministers surveyed across the country, he was identified as the top performer. The survey, conducted between July 15 and August 10, 2024, involved 40,591 respondents across all 543 Lok Sabha segments, along with an analysis of 95,872 additional interviews from CVoter’s weekly tracker.
In a Facebook post, CM Tamang expressed his gratitude to the people of Sikkim for their unwavering support. “I am overwhelmed with joy to learn that I have topped the list of the most popular Chief Ministers in my home state. It is your blessings that give me the strength and energy to serve you with utmost sincerity and dedication. No award or recognition is more meaningful to me than the immense love and support I have received from my ‘Sikkimey Janata’,” he said.
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