Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang graced the Sadhbhavana Sammelan at Salugara on the eve of the New Year on December 31. The event was attended by the Chief Minister alongside the revered HH Shri Satpal Ji Maharaj.
Expressing his enriching experience at the Sadhbhavana Sammelan, Chief Minister Tamang highlighted the profound spiritual aura and teachings that added depth to the event. The gathering served as a common platform uniting devotees not only from Sikkim but also from across the entire North-East region and other parts of the country.
The Chief Minister extended his gratitude to the Manav Uthan Sewa Samiti for promoting love, brotherhood, harmony, unity and spirituality among diverse communities. He stated the importance of imbibing the inspirational words of love, knowledge, devotion and liberation in the gracious presence of Satpal Ji Maharaj.
In the context of Sikkim, Chief Minister Tamang hailed the state for setting an example of a unique cultural mix, communal harmony and coexistence amidst natural beauty. He spoke on the spirit of friendship, unity, respect, hospitality and values that characterize Sikkim.
The spiritual congregation organized by Manav Uthan Sewa Samiti, North-east region, was attended by prominent figures, including Arun Kumar Upreti, Speaker SLA, Cabinet Ministers, MLAs and members of Manav Uthan Sewa Samiti. The Chief Minister also informed Satpal Ji Maharaj about the ongoing construction of the "Manav Dharma Mandir" at Pakyong for Manav Uthan Sewa Samiti.
Chief Minister Tamang also extended New Year Greetings, wishing for good health, peace and prosperity to all.
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