Sikkim opposition parties pass four resolutions, demands President's Rule amidst increasing violence

Sikkim opposition parties pass four resolutions, demands President's Rule amidst increasing violence

Opposition parties in Sikkim met today, passing four resolutions unanimously. This move comes amidst a deteriorating law and order situation in the state.

Sikkim opposition parties pass four resolutions, demands President's Rule amidst increasing violenceSikkim opposition parties pass four resolutions, demands President's Rule amidst increasing violence

Opposition parties in Sikkim met today, passing four resolutions unanimously. This move comes amidst a deteriorating law and order situation in the state.

The parties agreed that the law and order situation in Sikkim has deteriorated significantly due to continuous violence over the past five years, resulting in a state of fear and threat among the people. 

Further, the opposition parties have also decided to organise a peace rally on March 11.

They condemned the attack on KN Rai, former Speaker of the Sikkim Assembly, and urged the State Government to investigate the violence and prosecute the culprits. The parties believe peace and security must be restored for free and fair elections to occur. 

They suggested the extension of the President's Rule under Article 356 to the State of Sikkim. 

Although all parties have requested for President's Rule, BJP representatives expressed disagreement with this clause, stating they will forward it to their higher authority for review.

Also Read: Sikkim BJP state president visits former speaker at hospital in Delhi

Elaborating on the resolutions, the opposition agreed: 

> All the parties present agree that the law and order situation in Sikkim has collapsed and the people of Sikkim are living in a state of fear and threat. This is because of the continuous violence that has been perpetuated in the last five years. Many such political violent incidents have happened in Sikkim in the past few years.

> Given the above, the Parties condemned the heinous attack on KN Rai, a senior citizen and former Speaker of the Sikkim Assembly. The parties also reiterated their view that the State Government must get to the bottom of this violence and book the culprits as per due process of law.

> All the parties are of the view that peace and security must be restored so that free and fair elections can be conducted. One way is to have President's Rule under Article 356 extended to the State of Sikkim.

> All the parties have on their own asked for the President's rule.

> The BJP representatives have argued that clause 3 which talks about the President's Rule does not align with their views. This is being forwarded to their higher authority.

Edited By: Atiqul Habib
Published On: Mar 09, 2024