Sikkim: Renowned author Pravin Rai Jumeli launches "Meditation - Peeda and Prasthan" in Gangtok

Sikkim: Renowned author Pravin Rai Jumeli launches "Meditation - Peeda and Prasthan" in Gangtok

The book comprises a total of 30 poems, distributed across these six shades, offering readers a diverse and immersive experience.

Sikkim: Renowned author Pravin Rai Jumeli launches "Meditation - Peeda and Prasthan" in GangtokSikkim: Renowned author Pravin Rai Jumeli launches "Meditation - Peeda and Prasthan" in Gangtok

The city of Gangtok in Sikkim witnessed the launch of "Meditation - Peeda and Prasthan" by the acclaimed author Pravin Rai Jumeli on March 9.

At 126 pages long, "Meditation - Peeda and Prasthan" is not just a book but a journey through emotions, carefully chapterized into six shades of colors: Grey, Purple, Blue, Green, Black, and Orange. Each shade serves as a canvas, reflecting the myriad moods encapsulated within the poems penned by Jumeli. 

The book comprises a total of 30 poems, distributed across these six shades, offering readers a diverse and immersive experience.

Hailing from Zoom in West Sikkim, Pravin Rai Jumeli has established himself as a versatile writer, equally adept at poetry and storytelling. Despite his professional commitments in Gangtok, Jumeli continues to draw inspiration from his roots, infusing his works with the essence of his homeland.

Known for his bold critique and eloquence, Jumeli has been a prominent figure in the Nepali literature circle of Sikkim-Darjeeling. With "Meditation - Peeda and Prasthan," he adds another gem to his literary repertoire which already includes half a dozen books of poetry, stories and reminiscences with "Sanneretta" being his latest offering.

An excerpt from "Meditation - Peeda and Prasthan" paints a touching picture of human existence and environmental consciousness:

"A minute to the Earth— From the window of a luxury car, a chip packet flew out And the roadside trees stood mournful. The hand that had tossed that packet so delicately had flipped through many books in school, It now rises like a bronze statue, wanting to survive, wanting to slip into Lenin's red nights, but the hand doesn't know The melancholy of the tree's solitude, one day it will tap that same hand To write the story of the other side."

पृथ्वीलाई एक मिनेट— कुनै एउटा लक्जरी गाडीको झ्यालबाट 
चिप्सको एउटा खोल उडेर झन्यो 
सडकका छेउछाउ उभिएका रुखहरू उदास बने । 
जुन सुकोमल हातले त्यस खोललाई फालेको थियो 
त्यस हातले स्कुलमा 
इविएसका धेरैवटा पुस्तक पल्टाइसकेको थियो । 
हात कञ्चनजङ्घाझैँ उठेर अग्लाइ बाँच्न चाहन्छ 
हात लेनिनको रातोमा बेह्रिएर लपक्क भिज्न चाहन्छ 
तर हातलाई थाहा छैन 
रुखको उदासीले एकदिन 
त्यसै हातलाई टिपेर 
अरूख हुनुको कथा लेख्नेछ ।

Edited By: Bikash Chetry
Published On: Mar 09, 2024