Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday said the state government has taken several decisions for soldiers who laid down their lives in the line of duty, including raising ex-gratia to Rs 50 lakh instead of 20 lakh to their next kin and giving a government job to a family member of the martyred soldiers. The chief minister was addressing an award ceremony to honour the sacrifices of soldiers who took part in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War, organised at Srimanta Sankardev Kalakshetra in Guwahati.
“I am proud to say that our government has taken many decisions for the welfare of ex-servicemen. Reservation has been extended for their children in medical colleges. Re-introduction of the 2 percent reservation in Group C and Group D.” Sarma said.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who attended the award ceremony, said India will not hesitate to act against terrorists targeting the country from across the border.
“India has been successful in giving out the message that terrorism will be strongly dealt with,” Singh said while addressing the gathering in Guwahati.
He also said that the tension that India experiences on the western frontier does not exist along the eastern boundary as Bangladesh is a friendly country. Singh also talked about the removal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA). “It is not a small thing that for the last 3-4 years, the work of removing AFSPA is being done in the northeastern states. Recently AFSPA was completely removed from 23 districts of Assam,” he said.
“AFSPA was removed from 15 police stations in Manipur and Nagaland. That in itself means a lot. This is the result of durable peace and stability in this area,” Singh added.
The cabinet colleagues of Assam CM and senior government officials were also present in the programme.
Edited By: Admin
Published On: Apr 24, 2022