According to certain data, the security forces led by the Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (ADCP) - Bibekananda Das and Sonapur OC - Nabajit Nath embarked on a large-scale operation, confiscating 4.6 million Yaba pills, 12 kg of methamphetamine and 1.5 kg of heroin from the possession of 2 accused
Taking to Twitter, the Assam CM – Himanta Biswa Sarma confirmed the news.
Another major success by @assampolice!
In a major op led by Bibekananda Das, ADCP East & Nabajit Nath, OC Sonapur, 4.6 lakh Yaba tablets, 12 kg Metamphetamine and 1.5 kg Heroin have been seized. Two accused apprehended.
Good work! Keep it up @GuwahatiPol.” – twetted CM Himanta Biswa Sarma
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