Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday attended a Rongali Bihu event organized by the Union minister Sarbananda Sonowal at his home in New Delhi. During the event, he witnessed a number of cultural and traditional performances and afterwards came on stage to greet the people.
However during the Bihu celebrations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tried his hand at several musical instruments, including a traditional Assamese dhol. The prime minister took to his official Twitter account to share photos from the event, he wrote, “ Joined the Bihu celebrations at the residence of my Ministerial colleague Sarbananda sonowal Ji. India is proud of the vibrant culture of Assam.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi tried his hand at multiple musical instruments at the residence of Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal in New Delhi on Saturday as part of a program organised on the occasion of Rongali Bihu. He also interacted with the event's artists and guests.
The guests were also served traditional Assamese dishes in addition to the cultural event. Many other delegates were present, including Rajya Sabha deputy speaker Harivansh Narayan Singh, Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Union Ministers Anurag Thakur, Meenakshi Lekhi, Narendra Singh Tomar, and MP MC Mary Kom, among others.
Moreover, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had previously extended his greetings to citizens on the occasion of Bihu on April 14.
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