The scheduled visit of Advisor of the Government of India for Northeast Affairs to Tripura, AK Mishra, on May 12, 2023, has been cancelled. According to sources, Mishra was looking after the constitutional solution demand of TIPRA Motha and was supposed to hold a meeting with Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha. He was also likely to meet the Chairman of Tipra Motha, Pradyot Kishore Manikya Debbarma, and leaders of the Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT).
However, TIPRA Motha Chief Pradyot Kishore Manikya Debbarma confirmed the cancellation, citing the recent unrest in Manipur as the reason. He stated that four Manipur residents lost their lives on May 11 night, and eight out of ten Kuki BJP MLAs have demanded a separate state. Due to these issues, the Advisor's visit had to be cancelled.
The constitutional solution demand of TIPRA Motha has been a key issue in Tripura politics, with many indigenous people demanding their rights and autonomy. Mishra's visit was expected to address this demand and bring forth a resolution. However, with the current unrest in Manipur, the visit has been postponed, and further developments are awaited.
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