In a heartening turn of events, Bhabaranjan Debnath, a resilient resident of South Charilam under Sepahijala District has found renewed hope and mobility, due to intervention of former Chief Minister of Tripura, Biplab Kumar Deb as he received prosthetic leg which was he lost following an accident in 2006.
Deb who is also a MP of Rajya Sabha, contested the Lok Sabha election this year as BJP candidate from West Lok Sabha seat.
Bhabaranjan's life took an unforeseen turn just one year into his marriage in 2006 when a tragic road accident robbed him of his right leg, leaving him dependent on mobility aids for nearly 18 years.
“The accident not only affected me physically but also sent ripples of uncertainty through my entire family. With limited means of mobility, I faced the daunting challenge of supporting my family solely through a profession as a tailor”, said Bhabaranjan.
His wife courageously stepped up, joining the bidi-making workforce to contribute to the family's income, while their daughter diligently pursued her education, currently a 12th-grade student at Charilam High School.
Amidst the fervor of an election campaign, Bhabaranjan crossed paths with Biplab Kumar Deb, the BJP nominee for the West Tripura Lok Sabha seat, on April 11 in Charilam. Expressing his predicament, Bhabaranjan found a compassionate ally in Deb, who promptly took action.
Moved by Bhabaranjan's plight, Deb arranged for him to receive a prosthetic leg replacement in Delhi, bearing the expenses personally.
“The procedure, conducted successfully at the Royal Retreat in West Bihar, Delhi, has transformed Bhabaranjan's life. Now, he can walk unaided, rekindling hopes of a brighter future for himself and his family”, said a source close to Deb.
With gratitude overflowing in his heart, Bhabaranjan, accompanied by his family, recently arrived in Agartala.
Speaking of his newfound mobility and optimism, he expressed his heartfelt appreciation to Biplab Kumar Deb, acknowledging the pivotal role he played in restoring his independence and livelihood.
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