The Border Security Force (BSF) Tripura Frontier has reported the apprehension of a staggering 744 individuals attempting to infiltrate India from Bangladesh along the Indo-Bangla border in 2023. This marks the highest number of arrests in the last three years, with 369 individuals nabbed in 2022 and 208 in 2021, according to a BSF official.
Among the detained individuals, 112 are identified as Rohingyas, while 337 are Bangladeshis and 295 are Indians. The rise in infiltration attempts has raised concerns about border security, prompting increased vigilance and security measures.
The BSF personnel have not only thwarted illegal border crossings but have also seized contraband worth a total of Rs 41.82 crore. The confiscated items include banned cough syrup, cannabis, Yaba tablets, and brown sugar. Additionally, 4 kg of gold was recovered during the operations.
The BSF Tripura Frontier has been operating under challenging conditions, tackling insurgency, maintaining border sanctity, and preventing various trans-border crimes. The officers have demonstrated their commitment to duty despite adverse climatic conditions and the inhospitable terrain of the region.
Tripura shares a vast 856 km international border with Bangladesh, making it crucial for authorities to remain vigilant against illegal activities.
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