Arunachal: 52 youths enroll as community volunteers in disaster management training by DDMA

Arunachal: 52 youths enroll as community volunteers in disaster management training by DDMA

A significant step towards enhancing disaster preparedness was taken today as 52 youths registered as community volunteers in a training program spearheaded by the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), Capital Itanagar.

Arunachal: 52 youths enroll as community volunteers in disaster management training by DDMA

A significant step towards enhancing disaster preparedness was taken today as 52 youths registered as community volunteers in a training program spearheaded by the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), Capital Itanagar. The initiative, overseen by Deputy Commissioner and DDMA Chairman, Talo Potom, IAS, is part of a broader government effort to strengthen grassroots disaster response capabilities.

Inaugurating the program, DC Potom emphasized the importance of community-based volunteers in disaster scenarios. He stressed that the training would equip participants with essential skills and knowledge, enabling them to act swiftly and decisively during emergencies. "Volunteers are crucial assets," Potom remarked, "and this training will empower local residents and students to save lives and mitigate damage before professional responders arrive."

Prof. Venugopal Rao Komma, Vice Chancellor of Himalayan University, lauded the volunteers for their dedication to community safety. He highlighted the unpredictability of disasters—both natural and man-made—but noted that preparedness can significantly reduce risks. "This training will arm you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to respond effectively in any emergency situation," he stated.

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DDMO Moromi Dodum Sonam, in her welcome address, underscored the essential role volunteers play as first responders. She linked this initiative to the Arunachal Pradesh Government’s 100-day Action Plan, which aims to build a disaster-resilient society by training and equipping 200 community volunteers. The program is designed to provide foundational skills for assisting district authorities, the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), and other agencies during rescue and relief operations.

"You will be the first line of defense in your community," DDMO Sonam said, addressing the volunteers. She explained that the program is divided into four phases, with technical and hands-on training running from September 9 to 21. The sessions are intended to provide comprehensive preparedness, including crucial first aid, search and rescue, and emergency response techniques.

The three-day intensive training will cover a wide range of life-saving topics, including fire safety, water rescue, rope rescue, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), basic life support (BLS), and handling medical emergencies such as wounds, bleeding, and animal bites. Specialized sessions on chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) disaster responses will also be provided, along with safety measures for floods, landslides, earthquakes, heatwaves, thunderstorms, and lightning.

In addition to the training, volunteers will receive essential disaster response kits from the DDMA, which include solar lamps, raincoats, and first-aid boxes. Jerseys have already been distributed as part of their uniform. These tools will be crucial in future disaster response efforts.

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Today’s session featured a comprehensive presentation by the NDRF on disaster management and risk reduction strategies. Disaster Management Instructor Shri Nibia Kapa led sessions on earthquake safety, flood preparedness, and protection against lightning and thunderstorms. Additional sessions on landslide and heatwave safety were conducted by Subhash Sonar, while fire safety techniques were demonstrated by the Itanagar Fire & Emergency Services. Practical search and water rescue techniques were also demonstrated by NDRF experts Yukar Palang and Subhash Sonar.

The training, held at Himalayan University in Jollang, will continue until September 11. The next phases of the program will be hosted at Dera Natung Government College, Itanagar (September 13-15), Mallo Tarin GHSS, Itanagar (September 16-18), and Don Bosco College, Jollang (September 19-21), ensuring that the participants are well-prepared to face any emergency with confidence and skill.

Edited By: Nandita Borah
Published On: Sep 09, 2024