A tragic incident unfolded in Guwahati city, where a class 12 student of a private school allegedly committed suicide a day before his Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Board Exams (AISSCE) were scheduled to start on Thursday.
The incident took place in his apartment at Chandan Nagar, located in the Survey area of the city. The student, known for his academic excellence, was living alone under the supervision of a caretaker. He had previously secured the fifth rank nationally in the class 10 CBSE final exams (AISSE).
The incident came to light when the caretaker, unable to get a response despite multiple attempts to contact the student, sought assistance from the apartment's security guards to force open the bedroom door.
On Thursday, a student was found hanging from a ceiling fan inside a flat. The incident was reported to the Dispur police who promptly dispatched a team of officers to the scene.
The body was then transferred to Gauhati Medical College Hospital for postmortem. It has also been reported that a suicide note was discovered in the room by the city police.
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