India's campaign on the 14th day of the Asian Games started off on a golden note as the country secured two medal in archery. Jyothi Vennam grabbed the gold medal in women's compound and Aditi Swami claimed bronze in the same event on October 7.
This was Jyothi's third gold medal of the Asian Games 2023, having already won gold in the women's compound and mixed compound team events.
Jyothi performed a near-perfect performance against Chaewon So of Korea after hitting a nine in her first try. It was eight at first, but after some thought, the Indian archer was granted a point. Jyothi exhibited no symptoms of stress after losing End 1 to the Korean archer, as all of her remaining efforts were flawless tens.
So felt the strain, and her second effort in End two was an eight, as Jyothi grabbed the lead in the battle. The Indian archer would go on to win the competition with a score of 149-145, giving India a total of 97 medals at the Asian Games 2023.
Also read : Asian Games 2023: Indian Men's Hockey team clinches gold, defeates Japan by 5-1
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