Manipur: Jewellery shop owner shot at by suspected armed miscreants, loot ornaments worth Rs 20 lakh

Manipur: Jewellery shop owner shot at by suspected armed miscreants, loot ornaments worth Rs 20 lakh

A jewellery shop owner allegedly shot at by suspected armed miscreants at Canchipur under Imphal West district of Manipur on January 13. 

Phurailatpam Keny Devi
  • Jan 14, 2024,
  • Updated Jan 14, 2024, 3:51 PM IST

A jewellery shop owner allegedly shot at by suspected armed miscreants at Canchipur under Imphal West district of Manipur on January 13.

As per sources, the man identified as Naorem Krishnadas (36), son of N Muhindro of Kakching Ningthou Leikai is the owner of Muhindro Jewellery located at Wahengbam Leikai.

He reportedly sustained a bullet injury on his left thigh. The injured person was first admitted at RIMS before rushing to Shija Hospital for further treatment.

Reportedly, Krishnadas and three others were on their way to Kakching after closing the jewellery shop at Wahengbam Leikai.

The three others who were accompanying Krishnadas have been identified as Naorem Ramdas (28), Naorem Sanjoy (35) and Naorem Robindas (34).

Sources stated that some unknown masked man allegedly overtook their vehicle when they reached Waithou Chingon and stopped their vehicle by allegedly flashing small arms. 

The armed men forcefully took control of their vehicle and drove it towards Canchipur. The armed miscreants looted gold worth around Rs 20 lakh and fired two rounds of bullets, one of which hit Krishnadas on his left foot.

Also read : Manipur: Body of fourth missing man found in Haotak, sent to RIMS for post mortem

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